Hope in Hard Times

Matthew 7:24-27 has been on my mind lately.  It is a portion (really a summary) of the Sermon on the Mount.  Jesus says, "Whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them will be a like a wise man who dug down deep, found bedrock, and built His house on that rock.  Then, nothing life threw at him was able to shake him" (my paraphrase).  This truth resonates with me because once my life was constantly shaken to the core by every wind of adversity.  The problem with that is that adversity comes with a consistent, nearly predictable regularity.  In fact, I am certain that scripture teaches that God allows difficulty to produce character and ultimately hope (Romans 5:3-4).  James said to let patient perseverance in trials have the perfecting work God requires (James 1:4).  It is interesting that James made this point in the opening verses of his epistle.  That reminds me that responding correctly (Biblically) to hardship is fundamental to developing Christian character.

Only as I constantly see life through the context of God's Word am I moved along the continuum with Him toward spiritual maturity.  That means I have to maintain a commitment to a worshiping life.  A life that takes seriously the need for Scripture, prayer, assembly with the saints, counsel through godly friendships, and attentiveness to God in all my circumstances.  As I seek Him and listen to Him, He helps me learn to walk in the empowering help of His Spirit through all that I face.  That is truly a mark of God's goodness.  Nothing is left to chance and nothing is wasted.  What is God doing in your circumstances?  I hope your response is shaping your witness in holiness.
