Missionary’s Musings - Strategy Planning for the Middle Baptist Association

On October 28th, 2014, many of the leaders of the Middle Baptist Association along with Frank Nuckolls, our State Missionary from the Georgia Baptist Convention for Associational Missions, met to continue strategy planning for the Association.  So far this had been a 12 hour plus investment by these leaders, not to mention the prayer investment.  I try to make it clear that my vision for our Association is not to make up busy work for already busy people.  My desire is to serve the 35 churches that make up the Association by identifying and meeting needs so that the churches are healthier and stronger and making a difference in their various communities.  We exist for the benefit of the churches. 

I want to give a broad summary of our work in strategy planning:

1.       Vision Statement The Middle Baptist Association envisions with God’s help that every Association church will have an opportunity to be involved in Acts 1:8 missions and revitalization by December 31st, 2017.

2.       Priorities - we initially identified our priorities as follows:

·         Missions – Missions is a priority for our Association because it gives us an opportunity to join with Jesus in His redemptive plan for the world.
·         Prayer – Prayer is a priority for our Association because it releases the power of God, and opens lines of communication.
·         Church revitalization – Church revitalization is a priority in our Association because of the teaching of the New Testament, the rapid decline of churches, and the growing number of lost people.
·         Resourcing (meeting) church needs – Helping meet church needs (resourcing) is a priority for us because churches often need an outside perspective and help to help fill in the gaps in ministry.
·         Affecting ethnic and generational diversity in MBA churches – Connecting to different ages of people and different ethnic groups is a priority to our Association because the Gospel is for everyone.  Without diversity, the church will not be effective in ministry.

3.       Priorities refined - eventually we summarized those priorities and saw two broad categories for accomplishing the collective vision and summons we have from God:
·         Missions
·         Church revitalization

After much discussion we have come to believe that all that God is leading us to do together through 2017 can be summarized under missions and church revitalization.  Therefore our energy and passion for ministry is going to be worked out this way, God willing and helping.  This will mean some reorganization for our Association.  We will be working toward presenting an updated organizational model to our Executive Committee on January 29th, 2015.  There is a lot more I could say to enlarge on this, but there is not room for me to say it here.  We will be communicating with the churches and helping them understand the burden God has given us.  Please pray that we can make a difference together.


Bobby Braswell, Jr.
