Advent for Amateurs - Simeon's Poignant, Painful, Promising, Prophetic Song

Simeon, a godly prophet appears in the birth narrative of Christ and speaks clarity and affirmation regarding the child, Jesus. Because Joseph and Mary were real people, not imaginary greeting card silhouettes, his song must have brought them great comfort. 

And there was a man in Jerusalem, 
A prophet whose name was Simeon, 
Righteous and scrupulous, waiting to see, 
When the coming of Christ would be.
For He'd been told he wouldn't die,
Before the promised Messiah arrived. 

So the Spirit told him, so clear and compelling,
"Go meet the One, whom the prophets foretelling, 
You've waited and yearned for and delighted to see, 
And there, at the temple were Jesus and His family. 

And he took up this baby, 
For whom he waited so long, 
And in true Lucan fashion,
He broke into this this song:

"Oh, Master, now at long last, I can leave this world at peace, 
For fulfilling your word, You've allowed me to see, 
Your Savior, He's come, right here in the open, 
To rescue all people, the crowning One among those You've chosen."

And Joseph and Mary found these things amazing, 
And while they pondered, to them he was saying, 

"The future of everyone, their rise and their fall,
Is wrapped up in this baby, one and all!
And take care to remember that even for you, 
This baby's fate will break your heart in two. 
And when your heart is torn and rifted.
The hearts of all others by Christ will be sifted."

-- Luke 2:25-35
