Hypocrisy - Matthew 15:1-10

Jesus routinely encountered resistance from religious people who wanted to maintain control and extend the status quo. Here is an example of how he reacted to this in the Gospel of Matthew:

The rigid old religionists of Jesus' day, 
Came, not to worship, nor to pray, 
But to weary Him with debates about their age-old traditions, 
"We were wondering," they started, "if you'd answer these questions."
"Why do your disciples depart from the plan, 
Of pre-meal ceremonial washing of hands?"

Said Jesus, "You neglect, not traditions, but God-given commands. 
Much more serious than forgetting to wash one's hands. 
Why, you brutally neglect to support your old parents, 
Hiding behind obscure interpretations to give you some clemence.
Your hypocrisy is the stench Isaiah had in mind, 
When he spoke so long ago of your kind:

     'These people talk about God without end,
     But when it comes to their practice, it's only pretend.'

And Jesus turned to the crowd that had gathered to listen,
Then to them He laid out this position:
"Real defilement is not washing of hands at the start, 
But each one is defiled by what comes out of their heart."

--Poetic interpretation of Matthew 15:1-10
