Some qualities of healthy Baptist Associations

The world is always changing and that change lately is frenetic, seismic, and as Lyle Schaller described it "discontinuous."

One thing that hasn't changed, though, is the need for connection. Good Baptist Associations are still a great Kingdom investment.

1. A good association recognizes the place of both tasks and touches. A good Associational Missions Strategist (AMS) recognizes the need for good relationships and vocational know-how.

2. Good associations are always evaluating and evolving.

3. Good associations use existing and future technology to network, assist and connect.

4. Good associations consider needs that are peripheral to churches as tasks of primary consideration.

  • Denominational developments
  • Crisis/conflict
  • Assistance with pastor transition
  • Community demographics and trends
  • Ministry resources and information
5. A good AMS is a "maven," gathering and dessiminating information.

6. A good association acknowledges paradigm shifts in ministry methods in its own practices.

7. A good association assists in matters of church vitality and strengthening (helps willing churches get healthier).

8. A good AMS recognizes that an association is not a church, and doesn't compete with churches or attempt to reproduce their ministries.

9. A good association behaves like a network.

10. Good associations have a track record of effective ministry connection.

11. Associations are extra-church ministries, alongside churches to bless and assist them.

12. Associations are shaped by the gifting and skills of their leaders.

13. Good associations adjust to their particular ministry context.

14. Good associations have buy-in from their constituent churches, and recognize that buy-in follows demonstrated value.

15. A good association bridges the distances that may exist between geographic and community affinities.

16. A good association helps churches steward the responsibility they have to get the Gospel to large groups of people.

I am sure others of my AMS peers could add ideas about how they perceive the essential nature of their ministry. I have certainly borrowed and incorporated some of these ideas from some very good associational leaders and brothers.


Unknown said…
Good word, man! Thankful for you.