Updated Covid-19 information 8/13/2021

 Recommended Guidelines for COVID-19

Important Ways to Slow the Spread of COVID-19

• Wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth to help protect yourself and

others in crowds or poorly ventilated indoor spaces.

• Stay 6 feet apart from others who don’t live with you.

• Get a COVID-19 vaccine to lessen risks for a severe covid case.

• Wash your hands often with soap and water. Use hand sanitizer if soap and

water aren’t available.

You Should Quarantine

• If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19

• If you are awaiting COVID-19 test results

• If you develop any symptoms of COVID-19

• If you have had close contact with someone who has tested positive for

COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes where you were 6 feet or less apart

Operations and Gatherings

• Keep an eye on current cases in your area. (GDPH status report)

• Promote healthy hygiene (handwashing, hand sanitizer, masks)

• Encourage all to stay home if you have ANY symptom of COVID-19

• Intensify cleaning, disinfection and ventilation. Schedule a routine for cleaning

and disinfecting all high touch surfaces.

• Do not to share materials.

• Plan for possible exposure and have procedures in place.

• Designate a staff person to be responsible for responding to COVID-19

concerns. This person should be aware of regulatory policies for gatherings.

For The Kids – Updated 8/5/2021

• All students should be at least 3 feet apart.

• Try to use cohorting and limit contact between cohorts.

• Face desks or tables the same direction when possible.

• Teach and encourage good handwashing techniques.

• May also encourage use of hand sanitizer for ages 2 and up.

• Sanitize any shared objects and toys.

• CDC recommends universal indoor masking for teachers, staff, students, and

visitors to schools, regardless of vaccination status.

For The Fully Vaccinated – Updated 7/28/2021

• You are considered “Fully Vaccinated” two weeks after the second dose of the

Pfizer or Moderna vaccines OR two weeks after receiving the Johnson &

Johnson single dose.

• May gather indoors with other fully vaccinated people without masks.

• May gather indoors with unvaccinated people from one other household

without masks.

• Should still monitor for symptoms for COVID-19.

• Should continue to wear masks when in areas with high risk of transmission.

For example, indoor crowds where the vaccination status is unknown.

• If you have come into close contact with someone with suspected or

confirmed COVID-19 you should be tested 3-5 days after exposure and wear a

mask in public indoor settings for 14 days or until you receive a negative test



• Pray for wisdom as you navigate the days ahead.

• Communicate clearly with staff and church members about actions being

taken to protect health and wellness

• May need to accommodate additional services with reduced attendance to

promote social distancing

• Remain flexible

• Listen to responses from the congregation and the CDC/medical community.

Please find more in-depth information at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/largeevents/


For school and nursery information: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schoolschildcare/





Vaccination information: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinatedguidance.


Georgia DPH status report: https://dph.georgia.gov/covid-19-daily-status-report

BCM - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/colleges-universities/considerations.html
